About NDF

The Nigeria DNS Forum is created to address the socio-political willingness of the government, technical and economic capacity of the Private Sector, Academia, and Stakeholders to focus on the critical resources of the Internet in Nigeria.

Training is organized by DNS Africa to measure up to scale with other continent and countries. 

Training is virtual, handled by the Internet Corporations for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Facilitators

We believe that the wealth of knowledge in Nigeria is great enough to make us reach the apex.

Registration opens in February 2025.

To promote Partnership and Collaboration with Government, the Private Sector and Civil Society in delivering effective DNS Interventions for Development (DI4D), within and beyond.

DNSSEC Training Requirements

We would also appreciate to assess the participants prerequisite skills to enroll for this training. At least:

1. Be familiar with Unix/Linux operating system (conversant with Linux and using a command line terminal);

2. Understand DNS and have some experience in DNS deployment and configuration: authoritative, recursive resolver, etc.;

3. Be available for Two (2) to Three (3) Hours for Morning Session, using Zoom Sessions with Presentations, Q/R, etc.;

4. Participants are requested to work on their Virtual Machines (Online Lab Platform) and practice using the labs provided by ICANN.

Participants can access the Virtual Machines during the period of the training, ie. from approved dates, 24/7.

Depending on their engagement and dedication, it may be possible to extend for One (1) or Two (2) days after the end date. 

